27 junio, 2014

Special Issue: over 1,000 subscribers...

IBMi Spotlight, nuestra revista digital basada en #Flipboard, ya cuenta con más de 1.000 suscriptores: para nosotros llegar a 1.000 era un reto casi inalcanzable, pero... poco a poco llegamos a los 200, luego 500, 900... y, sin apenas darnos cuenta, hemos llegado a más de 1.000 !! 1.000 suscriptores, 1.000 amigos... 1.000 colegas de profesión unidos por una pasión común: un sistema informático excepcional: #IBMi on #PowerSystems .

06 mayo, 2014

IBM Spring 2014: Power Systems announcements

Image courtesy of Mellanox Tech

Open Innovation Summit – 23 April 2014: IBM's announced a major shift in its servers business behind new POWER8 Power Systems servers and a new collaborative data center "OpenPower foundation" that includes tech powerhouses Google and Nvidia.

IBM Impact 2014 – from April 27 to May 1: Held  in Las Vegas at the Venetian Resort Hotel, where Power Systems were protagonists in many places – including the general session keynotes, breakout sessions with the IBM i new version and a large presence in the EXPO center.

Access the most relevant news about these announcements compiled in this Twitter timeline  !

24 febrero, 2014

IBM POWER: From RS/6000 to IBM Watson

HELP400 | This February the POWER architecture celebrates its 24th anniversary. In 1990, IBM released the RISC System/6000, shortened to IBM RS/6000. The multi-chip architecture of this new system was given the name POWER1, standing for “Performance Optimized With Enhanced RISC,” and is the direct ascendant of today’s high-performance, low-energy-consumption line of IBM Power Systems.
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